A woman is like a wave. When she feels loved her self esteem rises and falls in a wave motion. When she is feeling really good, she will reach peak but then suddenly her mood may change and her wave crashes down. Don't worry, this crash is temporary. After she reaches bottom suddenly her mood will shift and she will again feel good about herself, automatically her wave begins to rise back up.
When a woman;s wave rises she feels she has an abundance of love to give, but when it falls she feels her inner emptiness and needs to be filled up with love. If she has suppressed feelings or denied herself in order to be more loving on the upswing of her wave , then on the downswing she begins to experience these negative feelings and unfulfilled needs. During this down time she especially needs to talk about problems and be heard and understood.
Going down is like going down to a dark well for her. When a woman goes into her 'well' she is consciously sinking into her unconcious self, into darkness and diffused feeling. She may suddenly experience a host of unexplained emotions and vague feelings. She may feel hopeless, thinking she is all alone or unsupported. But soon after she reaches the bottom, if she feel loved and supported, she will automatically rise up and again radiate love in her relationship.
A woman's ability to give and receive love in her relationships is generally a reflection of how she is feeling about herself. When she is not feeling as good about herself, she is unable to be as accepting and appreciative of her partner. At her down time, she tends to be overwelmed or more emotionally reactive. When her wave hits bottom she is more vulnerable and needs at these times, otherwise he make unreasonable demand.
Killing responds from men
1) "How many times do we need to go through this?"
2)" I've heard all this before."
3) "I thought we had established that."
4) "When are you going to get it off?"
5) "I dont want to deal with this anymore."
6) "This is crazy! We are having the same argument."
7) "Why do you have so many problems?"
Yes, most of the men wondering why women like to to have recurring conversations and arguments. This could be because the issues are unresolved. When woman goes into her well her deepest issues tend to surface. These issues may have to do with the relationship but usually they are heavily charged from her past relationships and childhood. Whatever remains to be healed or resolved from her past inevitably will come up.
Warning signs that she may going into her well or when she needs his love the most.
She feels She may say
Overwhelmed - " There i so much to do"
Insecure - " I need more."
Resentful - " I do everything."
Worried - " But what about..."
Confused - " I dont understand why..."
Exhausted - " I cant do anything more."
Hopeless - " I don't know what to do."
Passive - ' I don't care, do what you want."
Demanding - " You should..."
Mistrustful - " What do you mean by that?"
Withholding - " No, I don't want to..."
Controlling - " Well, did you..?
Disapproving - " how could you forget...?"
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