Monday, March 28, 2011
Treating burns with egg white
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Earthquake Intensity
Intensity value | Characteristics | Richter
(note 1) |
I | Only detectable by seismographs. (note 2) | <3.5 |
II | Felt by persons at rest on upper floors or favorably placed. | 3.5 |
III | Felt indoors. Hanging objects swing. Vibration like passing of light trucks. Duration estimated. May not be recognized as an earthquake. | 4.2 |
IV | Hanging objects swing. Vibration like passing of heavy trucks. Windows, dishes, doors rattle. Parked cars rock. Glasses clink. Crockery clashes. In the upper range of IV, wooden walls and frames creak. | 4.5 |
V | Felt outdoors; direction estimated. Sleepers awakened. Liquids disturbed, some spilled. Small unstable objects displaced or upset. Doors swing, close, open. Shutters, pictures, move. Pendulum clocks stop; start, change rate. | 4.8 |
VI | Felt by all. Many frightened and run outdoors. Persons walk unsteadily. Windows, dishes, glassware broken. Knickknacks, books, etc. fall off shelves. Pictures fall off walls. Furniture moves or overturned. Weak plaster and masonry D cracked. Small bells ring (church, school). Trees, bushes sway visibly or are heard to rustle. | 5.4 |
VII | Difficult to stand. Noticed by drivers. Hanging objects quiver; furniture breaks; damage to masonry D, including cracks. Weak chimneys broken off at roof line. Fall of plaster, loose bricks, stones, tiles, cornices, unbraced parapets and architectural ornaments. Some cracks in masonry C. Waves on ponds, water turbid with mud. Small slides and caving in along sand and gravel banks. Large bells ring. Concrete irrigation ditches damaged. | 6.1 |
VIII | Steering of cars affected. Damage to masonry C and partial collapse; some damage to masonry B, none to masonry A. Fall of stucco and some masonry walls. Twisting, fall of chimneys, factory stacks, monuments, towers, elevated tanks. Frame houses moved on foundations if not bolted down; loose panel walls thrown out. Decayed piling broken off. Branches broken from trees. Changes in flow or temperature of springs and wells. Cracks in wet ground and on steep slopes. | 6.5 |
IX | General panic. Masonry D destroyed; masonry C heavily damaged, sometimes with complete collapse; masonry B seriously damaged. General damage to foundations. Frame structures, if not bolted down, shift off foundations. Frames racked. Serious damage to reservoirs. Underground pipes break. Conspicuous cracks in ground. In alluviated areas sand and mud ejected, earthquake fountains, sand craters. | 6.9 |
X | Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with their foundations. Some well-built wooden structures and bridges destroyed. Serious damage to dams, dikes, and embankments. Large landslides. Water thrown on banks of canals, rivers, lakes, etc. Sand and mud shifted horizontally on beaches and flat land. Rails bent slightly. | 7.3 |
XI | Rails bent greatly. Underground pipelines completely out of service. | 8.1 |
XII | Damage nearly total. Large rock masses displaced. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown into the air. | >8.1 |
Masonry A: shows good workmanship, mortar and design; reinforced, especially laterally, and bound together using steel, concrete, etc.; designed to reduce lateral forces.
Masonry B: Good workmanship and mortar; reinforced, but not designed in detail to resist lateral forces.
Masonry C: Ordinary workmanship and mortar; no extreme weaknesses like failing to tie in at corners, but neither reinforced nor designed against horizontal forces.
Masonry D: Weak materials, such as adobe; poor mortar; low standards of workmanship; weak horizontally.
From: Elementary Seismology, by Charles F. Richter. Copyright © 1958 by W. H. Freeman and Company. Reprinted with permission.
1. Any Richter scale equivalent to a Mercalli intensity is at best approximate, since the two scales measure different things. The number given is an estimate of the Mercalli intensity experienced at or near the epicenter of the earthquake.
2. Intensity I is assigned to some quakes that actually were detected by people, if the people were very far from the epicenter and could feel the quake only because of exceptionally favorable circumstances. In 1964 a few people in Seattle, for example, felt the Alaska earthquake because they were up in the Space Needle, and some people in Houston skyscrapers felt the 1985 Mexican earthquake.
Source by: www.sizes.comMonday, March 14, 2011
Registration of Marriage (ROM) @ Seremban
It's time for me to give back. I have been searching around for information for my ROM day and preparations. I hope this blog can help Seremban babes to get better ideas.
Registration of marriage (non-muslim).
Option 1: Register at JPN seremban.
Contacts: En.Shah Amirul Gautamaruban
Penolong Pegawai Pendaftaran
Bahagian Perkahwinan & Perceraian JPN Seremban
Tel : 06-7651612
Fax : 06-7677094
Email :
Click here for fees & procedures:
Option 2: Register at Chinese registrar
Contacts: Tel: 06-7639408 or 06-7633477
Add : No.96, Tingkat2, Jalan Temiang, 70200 Seremban, NSDK.
Click here for fees & procedures:
Looking for Make-up, Hair-styling & dress?
Make-up & hairstyling:
I personally engaged with make-up artist from bridal shop.
The cheapest in town is Passion Bridal. They charged me RM120 + a pair of eyelashes (exclude hair accessories and ampoules). You can bring your own hair accessories.
Make-up artist: Cindy (she's great!)
More choices from bridal shop:
Hollywood bridal photo city: 06-7679969/ 7612118
Wish Wedding : 06-7635118
The Bridal Place : 06-7626271 / 7623161
Passion Bridal : 06-7619968
Go to Milennia Square (Lobak), there are many newly opened boutiques in that area.
I recommend a boutique called 'Elizabeth boutique'' situated just opposite the Tarot cafe. They have the most dinner dress choices and with reasonable prices. However, I couldn't find a suitable dress for myself.
So, I went to Sg.Wang & Times square in KL to hunt for my perfect white dress. I can tell that you do not need to go Times Square as the dress quality are so bad and cheap. Sg.Wang has more choices and better quality and I finally found mine. It is a bit pricey but worth it! I bought a white long dress at 'Fairy Beauty' @ Rm290. It is really nice, simple & elegant + good quality. The most important thing is it makes me look slimmer! ^_^
Tel: 03-21480746 / 017-2110746
Add: Sungai Wang Plaza, Foo4, 1st Floor.
I hope it is enough for Seremban babes. Enjoy your Rom Day & Congratulations!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Mount Kinabalu photo sharing

Hey friends, just wanna share some photos of my experience of climbing Mount Kinabalu. Enjoy!

Nice environment & it is quite cold at night - about 16 degree.
The steamboat at the resort was the perfect one!

Thanks to the porter service, if not I think couldn't make it.
They charge a very reasonable price RM9/kg & bamboo Stick Rm5 each
The broom stick helps me a lot. I can save much energy with it & one is enough.
Remember not to lost it ya!

Beautiful scenery @ after climbing for 5KM journey... worth it!
Started to feel the nice cooling weather.
Still looking fine... hehe

Look at the food, this is what we given + 1 small bottle mineral water.
The juicy apple refreshes me.
After walking on these rocky roads, I feel like just had reflexology for 6 hours...I'm serious
Look at that! I am really proud of them!

Just in time! I managed to reach to the peak for sunrise! Yahoo!!!!
The beautiful scenery forever on my mind.

Fruity Beauty
* Mashed bananas make a nourishing facial mask
* Boiled mango leaves are great antiseptic
* A cup of apple juice in your bath promotes soft and clean skin
* Cucumber helps soothe and treat pimples
Source by: Shape Malaysia magazine
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How Much do you know about fats?
1)What is the purpose of fats?
- To release hormones that control metabolism
- Correct Answer: To release hormones that control metabolism
Fat is known to have two main purposes:
-Fat stores excess calories in a safe way so you can use them when you're hungry, and
-Fat releases hormones that control metabolism.
- 9 calories
- Correct Answer: 9 calories
The number of calories you need each day varies depending on your body size and activity levels. Someone who needs about 2,000 calories a day should eat no more than 65 grams of fat a day on average. To determine your ideal daily dietary fat intake:
1. Take the number of calories you eat each day and multiply it by 30 percent (.30). For example: 2,000 calories x .30 = 600 calories from fat.
2. Divide your answer by 9 because there are 9 calories in each gram of fat. This will give you the number of grams of fat per day that should be your upper limit goal. Here, it's: 600 / 9 = 65 grams.
A person who gets 2,000 calories per day ideally should not consume more than 65 grams of fat. Some researchers suggest that even 65 grams of fat in a 2,000 calorie diet is still too much fat.
3) Belly fat is worse than hip/thigh fats
Abdominal, or belly, fat is viewed as a bigger health risk than hip or thigh fat. It has a worse effect on insulin resistance, boosting the risk of diabetes, and a worse effect on the level of fats in the blood, boosting heart and stroke risks. Belly fat, or an apple-shaped body, is also most associated with heart disease and other diseases, such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. The bigger your waist, the higher your risk of developing heart failure, a condition where the heart isn’t pumping enough blood out and fluid begins to back up into the lungs and/or pool in the feet and legs
4) What is Brown fat?
-Brown fat = Baby fat
Brown adipose tissue (or brown fat) is a rapid source of energy for infants and forms about 5% of their body weight. It is brown because the cells in it are packed full of small cellular organs called mitochondria, which are energy factories, and it has a rich supply of blood vessels. Brown fat is virtually gone by adulthood.
5) The normal percentage of body fat for a women is: 25%-30%
the normal amount of body fat (expressed as a percentage of body weight) is between 25%-30% in women and 18%-23% in men. Women with over 30% body fat and men with over 23% body fat are considered obese.
6) One pound of fat = 3,500 calories
There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. You need to burn off 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. This translates into 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound in a week, or 1,000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds in a week. (1-2 pounds per week is generally considered to be a safe rate of weight loss). This can be achieved by eating fewer calories or using up more through physical activity. A combination of both is best.
7) Fats maintain healthy hair and skin
Believe it or not, healthy skin and hair are maintained by fat. Fat helps the body absorb and move the vitamins A, D, E, and K through the bloodstream.
8) What is hyperlipidemia?
-High fat in the blood
Hyperlipidemia describes high fat content in the blood. High blood cholesterol that runs in families, called familial hypercholesterolemia, is the most common inherited type of hyperlipidemia. It predisposes those who have it to premature hardening of the arteries including coronary artery disease with heart attacks at an unusually young age. About half of men and a third of women with these conditions suffer a heart attack by age 60.
9) When a product contains partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, what does the term "hydrogenated" mean?
Hydrogen was added to the oilDuring this process called hydrogenation, hydrogen is added to vegetable oil. Hydrogenation turns a liquid fat such as vegetable oil into a semi-solid (harder), more shelf-stable fat, such as margarine. Most oils are only partially hydrogenated, which creates harmful trans fats that can raise cholesterol.
10) Why would food manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil?
Surprised? It's true; the more weight you carry, the faster your metabolism is likely running. "The simple fact is that the extra weight causes your body to work harder just to sustain itself at rest, so in most instances, the metabolism is always running a bit faster," says Molly Kimball, RD, sports and lifestyle nutritionist at the Oscher's Clinic's Elmwood Fitness Center.
That's one reason it's almost always easier to lose weight at the start of a diet and harder later on. Kimball says: "When you are very overweight, your metabolism is already running so high that any small cut in calories will result in an immediate loss."
Source by: